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KEYBOARD_BTN_KEY - Static variable in class bitchanger.gui.controls.AlphaNumKeys
keyboardBtn - Variable in class bitchanger.gui.controller.AlphaNumKeysController
Button to switch between numbers and alphabet on the keyboard
keyboardBtn - Variable in class bitchanger.gui.controls.AlphaNumKeys
keyboardBtnKey() - Method in class bitchanger.gui.views.AlphaNumGridView
keyboardCloseGraphic - Variable in class bitchanger.gui.controller.AlphaNumKeysController
keyboardOpenGraphic - Variable in class bitchanger.gui.controller.AlphaNumKeysController
KEYBORD_CLOSE_FILLED_ICON - Static variable in class bitchanger.util.Resources
KEYBORD_CLOSE_ICON - Static variable in class bitchanger.util.Resources
KEYBORD_COMPACT_FILLED_ICON - Static variable in class bitchanger.util.Resources
KEYBORD_COMPACT_ICON - Static variable in class bitchanger.util.Resources
KEYBORD_FILLED_ICON - Static variable in class bitchanger.util.Resources
KEYBORD_ICON - Static variable in class bitchanger.util.Resources
KEYBORD_OPEN_FILLED_ICON - Static variable in class bitchanger.util.Resources
KEYBORD_OPEN_ICON - Static variable in class bitchanger.util.Resources
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